Summary: Lily Willison and her friends Nikki, Arielle, and Grazia start up a girls’ soccer team at their school (actually Lily is the primary founder and leader of this) it is forced to be a club team for lack of school budget. So they’ll deal with it, they call themselves the Weregirls and play hard. Soon enough Andra comes into town, absolutely gorgeous, and rich beyond belief Andra quickly owns the school. Andra only wants one thing though, Lily’s magic. She’s convinced Lily will help her get magic, because she knows Lily has it. So, Andra starts an official soccer team and challenge The Weregirls. Long story short, Weregirls win but Andra isn’t satisfied. In the middle of all this Lily has contact with her deceased father, and he’s telling her that her and her friends are magical. The stories he told her as a child are true! Soon enough, Lily and the girls find themselves in a battle between good and evil, that goes far beyond a soccer rivalry.
My Opinion: I finished this book in two days, but there were about 10 days in between those reading days. I didn’t get into the book, to be honest with you, I hated it. I hated this book, the characters and everything. Up until chapter 10, that was when I started my page-turning for real. Honestly, even in the end I didn’t like the characters. The only reason I kept into it was the plot, I wanted to know what happened. I couldn’t give a crap if evil Andra won or Lily (whom I really don’t like) won. I just wanted to know what happened. I wanted to like this book…I really did. I think the idea is really interesting, I think that the characters could’ve been a little better written, some of them were very flat (even the main characters at times). I found the book confusing at times. The writing from Lily’s point of view was done sloppily. The book did not mix with me.
I didn’t like the characters at all. I will say this good thing though; the elements of this story were cool. The idea of these urban legends, of these girls who are gifted with magic, weregirls (hello! Girl protectors! Awesome!), a magical (dead) protector watching all of them, good vs. evil, I mean for this I must say: rock on! The plot was cool, edgy, and new. Something you don’t see a lot, if I really feel up to it I may pick up the sequel. I just might, just to see what happens.
Rating: 2/5
The plus point in this is the idea of it, the supernatural myths. If you can read through some annoying characters (in my opinion by the way), then cool read this book.
Reviews from the Pros: Couldn't find any!
Happy Reading everyone!
-She Who Reads A Lot
1 comment:
Hmm this book does sound quite interesting. I remember reading parts of it before and being annoyed by the characters. I suppose I should give it another chance it did have potential.
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