Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Library Fun!

Oh my gosh people! I went to the library tonight! After physical therapy [which if anyone cares, my physical therapist says I don't have to go anymore! *cheers*] I begged my mother to take me to the library. You all heard me griping on how I couldn't read, I still don't have too much time. However, I have a break between exams till Tuesday so I need books! I got out Birth of the Pack by Petru Popescu, (that is such a fun name!) The Onion Girl by Charles De Lint, and Firebirds Rising which is an anthology so it doesn't have a specific author but lots of authors.

Currently, I'm about 100 pages into Firebirds Rising. Heh yes only hours after coming from the library...^^;; so that may be the first review you see up. Or it may not, since the book is 500 pages long. Since it is an anthology, I can put it down after reading a few good short-stories. I think, when I get bored with some of the short stories I may put it down and pick up Birth of the Pack. So either or may be up for a book review in the next week or so.

Hm, okay my summer project! So, I decided this summer in the spirit of this blog I am going to try to read all the books I can get to, I have a list of books I wish to read and I'm going to start one of those I have read over the course of the summer. I'm not sure how well it will work out, since I have a summer job and lots of programs for getting back in shape for swimming. Also, with summer homework for AP English... however, I'm going to try. Obviously, I am starting now with the three books I got out of the library.

All the books I read, expect a book review up. So you will all also be able to keep track of the books I have read. Perhaps, you'll find one or two that will interest you! Anyways, that's my summer project. We'll see how it works. Hmm...what else is interesting in my life. I took my global regents exam today, it was easy but long. By the DBQ I was like 'Ugh. Can't I be done?', I took my geometry final yesterday. It was mad easy [and this is coming from someone who is horrid at Geometry). I take my Spanish and Biology Regents Tuesday. I am dreading it...not only do I have to sit through a 2-3 hour exam on Bio but then I have to go like an hour later to sit through a 3 hours exam in a totally different language. -.- joy...

*ahem* Um, I think that's it. Its almost 11:00 pm now(here anyways), I'm extremely tired. I think I'll head to bed soon. Maybe read a bit before, depends on if I pass out or not. Meh. Ta Ta For Now! Don't forget to read!
-She Who Reads A Lot

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Tell Everyone About Yourself
Time started::6:37
Basic About you:
Eye color::Blue? (They change I don't even know!)
Hair Color::Brown I suppose putting it plainly
Age::16 years 5 months and 21 days
Birthday::January 28
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous::Lefty baby!
Zodiac Sign::Aquarius
Ring Size::I dunno
Grade::Well technically 11th I suppose...since this next fall I will be.
More about you:
Are you named after anyone?:No I don't think so...I have a great Aunt with the same name. My mom says no though...
Do you live in the moment?:I try to.
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?:Yeah I guess.
Do you have any secrets?:Um duh. who doesn't?
Do you hate yourself?:No not really
Do you like your handwriting?:Not particularly
Do you have any bad habits?:Heh yes.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?:I have no idea. I hope so.
Any regrets?:yeah.
Do you think life has been good so far?:Yep I think so!
Are you confident?:In myself? Yeah I suppose.
How long does it take you to shower?:10-15 minutes.
What color is your room?:Blue
Where do you want to attend college?:I don't know yet.
Do you...?
Do drugs?:Nope.
Drink?:Well yeah! Just not alocholic drinks...
Go to church?:Yes
Sleep with stuffed animals?:*blush* Yes...
Take walks in the rain?:Yeah when I can
Talk to people even if you hate them?:Yeah. Its common courtesy.
Drive?:Yep. Just got my permit.
Believe in premarital sex?:Meh I guess. If you really love someone and you know you're going to be in a long term relationship with them.
Want to get married?:Most definitely
Want to go to college?:Yes
Want to have children?:Duh.
Sing in the shower?:Hehe yes.
Get along with you parents?:Sometimes.
Get along with your sibling/s?:Meh...sometimes.
Color/highlight your hair?:Nope
Like coffee?:Eww no.
Wear makeup everytime you go out?:No
Love roller coasters?:Not really...
Like to cook?:Ha no.
Have you ever...?
Hurt yourself? :Not on purpose...
Been out of the country?:Just in Canada
Been in love?:Noo
Done drugs?:Nope.
Gone skinny dipping?:can't say I have.
Had surgery?:No, thankfully.
Played strip poker?
Been on stage?:Nah.
Pulled an all nighter?:Nope
Gone one day without food?:O.O how can anyone do that!?
Slept all day?:Nope.
Kissed a stranger?:Uh no.
Had a dream that came true?:Like literal dream? No.
Broken the law?:Maybe ran a red light and not worn my seatbelt...
Stolen anything?:No. well maybe from my brother...
Been on radio/tv?:Nope.
Been in a mosh-pit?:No.
Bungee jumped?
Had a dream that kept coming back?:Nope.
Gone out of state?:Yeah! Florida, Delaware, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maryland
Live in other states?:No. I have a boring life.
Eaten an entire box of oreos?:I don't think so
Had a movie marathon?:yes. Hot men and disney!
Spun until you were immensely dizzy?:Hehee...yes. Lots of times.
Been on a plane?:No
Ran into a wall?:^^ Yes.
Been rejected by a crush?:Maybeh.
Cried in public?:No.
Cried over a movie?:Yes. Schlinder's List and RENT
Pranked called someone?:No. That's mean!
Gotten a cavity?:Yes...4 at a time actually.
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?:Uh no. too expensive.
Broken a bone?:Nah.
Fallen from a tree?:Once.
Passed out?:I don't think so...
Been to a theme park?:Well yeah!
Eaten sushi?:That is random. but no I haven't
This or That
Pepsi or Coke::Pepsi
McDonalds or BUrger King::Neither please
Chocolate or Vanilla::Vanilla
Black or White::Black
Burgers or Hot dogs::Burgers
Boxers or breifs::Um on a guy? Boxers
Book or magazine::Book!
TV or radio::Radio
is the glass half empty or half full::Half full I suppose.
sun or moon::Mooon. It doesn't hurt your eyes!
hot or cold::Cold. then you get to be all warm and fuzzy!
romantic comedy or thriller::Romantic Comedy
waffles or pancakes::Pancakes.
Florida or california::California.
Black and white or color photos::Color. This question is weird.
The city, the beach, OR the country::O.O I dunno. Beach or City I guess.
Tennis shoes or sandals::Tennis Shoes
Sweet or sour::Sweet!
Private or publie school::Public schoool.
Cappuccino or coffee::Ew. Neither.
English or history::*gasp* DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!
Science or math::Ew. How bout neither? Prolly science though.
Do you believe ...?
in miracles?:Yeah.
in magic?:Not really.
in God?:Yes.
in Satan?:Well if there is god there must be Satan.
in ghosts?:No.
in luck?:Yeah.
in love at first sight?:No its a sweet thought but not realistic
in Santa?:Aw now c'mon...
in the Easter Bunny?:Not answering!
in witches?:No...though it'd be cool if they did!
that it's possible to remain faithful forever?:Yes of course!
in wishing on shooting stars?:Yeah. Its fun.
that cussing is a necessity in life?:No. You can live without swearing.
Love and all that -
Do you consider love a mistake?:No not at all!
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you:I don't know...I might give him a chance. see what happens.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?:Yes.
What is worst about the opposite sex?:They're a bit gross at times...and stupid.
Who and when was your first crush?:I'm not giving names! Just tha the was bleach blonde and in kindergarden
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?:Eyes or hair
Right this moment...
What are you wearing?:RIT t-shirt, shorts, sandals
What are you worried about?:My Global exam tomorrow.
What book are you reading?:T.T Sadly nothing.
What time is it?:6:50
Are you bored?:Immensely
Are you tired?:Yes so much
Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone?:Yah! Sakana
Are you lonely or content?:Content
Are you listening to music, if so then what?:How Do You Get That Lonely by Blaine Larsen
The Last...
Dream you had::I don't remember
Nightmare::Same as above.
Time you cried::Mhm watching Schlinder's list last friday.
Movie you watched::Knight's Tale!
Movie you rented::I don't remember
Book you read::Beka Cooper: Terrier by Tamora Pierce
Word you said::it.
Time you laughed::Like 30 minutes ago.
Person to call you::my mommy! ^^
CD you played::Simple Plan
Song you listened to::Um The Best Man Blaine Larsen
annoyance::My brother! (
IM sent or recieved::What does that mean?
Time you yelled::Like an hour ago.
Person you yelled at::My brother.
time you were a skirt::Halloween.
time you fought with your parents::Friday Night.
Time you wished on a shooting star::I don't remember
Thing you ate::Cookies!
Time you showered::Last night.
Nail polish color worn::*snorts* How bout none? Cuz I've never worn it.
Your favorite:
Type of gum::Minty fresh
Restaurant::Rhode House
Type of weather::Thunderstorms
Emotion::I dunno. happy I guess.
Pizza topping::Cheese
Fruit::Strawberries! (Are they fruit?)
Type of cake::Ice cream cake!
TV Show::Heroes!
Day of the week::Friday
Month::July is fun
Holiday::Thanksgiving! You get to eat
Sport to watch::Soccer/swimming
Flower::I have no idea
Time Finished::6:57
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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ranting and Reading!

Hi! So it is June 12th, 2008. I have decided to blog, no book review. Just blog. In other words if you don't care about me ranting about my life like an angsty teenager [actually I'm in a good mood so it won't be angsty xD] you should leave. So onwards! *strikes a pose*

Ooo. So Guess what? Only two more days of school [technically]. We get out on Monday! Wooo! Which is actually...stupid beyond belief. Who goes back to school for a monday?! Also though its our last full day because I live in NY and we are stupid and go back for exams after school is over. C'mon how lame is that?

Anywho, the last few days of school energy has hit me! I've been like off the walls. Not kidding. For the past two days I have been ranting for twenty minutes straight in lunch, without stopping. I have been perfecting my theory of the world. Like deciding that our genes actually talk to each other and when they disagree that's how you get deformities, and when they can't agree at all they have gladiator fights! Then when they do like each other they make lurve and people go 'Eww!' oh and my body has a gay president who runs the entire thing!

Oh, and in the past people were turned into miniture people and then as torture they squished them! So tons of little people were killed and no one ever knew because the bones were too small to find, and the blood only looked like one drop of blood! Also, there are little people who actually lived. They ran away and now we have a population of little people who are living in pumpkins (or apples whichever they prefer) and they are living in secret!

Yes this is what goes on in my mind. My friends, while in hysterics, told me I would go to an Asylum but I'd be fine because I'd be the kind of person who would be in a straightjacket bouncing off the bouncy walls and having the time of her life [xD I would!]. Another thing, we were debating if it would be intentional or unintentional murder if I killed someone by making them laugh too much and fell over and they cracked their skull open. have to imagine that my friends were just about pissing their pants, because this literally went on for like twenty minutes and I didn't stop. It was continous, barely taking breaths rant while I was practically bouncing off my chair. I took a break to pee, came back and started again. Yes okay, I'm a bit weird. ^^ Tis fun though. I love making people laugh and smile, and the fact that my friends will let me be weird like that makes me really happy. Because every once in a while I really like to do that, to rant and be off the walls hyper. I'm really happy they deal with me like that and have no problem doing so. Cheesy I know, but still.

So yeah anyways that's been my fun days. T.T I haven't had time to read I've been so sad! I have a growing book wish list that is going to have to wait till I'm out of school. T.T it makes me so sad. I will get to more reading though! What else? Um, I'm on a twilight kick so I've been like scowering the web for Twilight updates and found quite a satsifying amount. Can't wait for the movie! See below for the Twilight widget!

Anyways, I've got to go. Got some homework to do. Hopefully I can blog again soon! See ya! ^^

-She Who Reads A Lot


Oh my God. That's right. She got it. She Who Reads A Lot got the Twilight Widget for the movie. Yes she's that much of a Twihard [Twilighter, whichever you prefer]. Yep she's that cool. Yes, she is referring to herself in third person because she's excited. Chya! *snaps* you know you're jealous. xD That's right. Enjoy all you twilight lovers! '

-She Who Reads A Lot

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Hey everyone!
Welcome to the Reading Carpet, I am She Who Reads A Lot. As my name might imply, I read a lot (haha clever right?). This blog will be me reviewing books that I've recently read or may have read long long ago. I may also rant and blog about my life. We'll see what kind of mood I'm in, I'm going to try very hard to keep this up and going. If I miss a few weeks, I may be busy don't come at my throat, please.

Basic overview of me? I'm 16, a sophomore in high school [though soon to be junior!], I like to read, write, swim, read, rollerblade, hanging out with friends, listening to music, read, read...hmm did I mention read? Haha, I'm well known among my friends for having a book (or two!) with me at all times. I mostly dabble in fantasy, romance, and fiction. Sometimes science fiction, I go through books about every few weeks. Depending on how much I get into them. So expect a new review every few weeks.

Currently, all my time is taken up with final exams, once that's done hopefully I can read some more! Speaking of which, I must go study now! Talk to you all soon hopefully!
-She Who Reads A Lot